Fresh & Frozen

under any condition, from -25 ºC to +25 ºC

Your Fresh & Frozen transport sorted with the push of a button

You take great pride in your products and so should your transport partner. We at NeWays Transport strive to provide you with the best service possible. Quality, freshness and reliability are keywords when it comes to temperature controlled transport. Whether its vegetables, fruit or frozen pizzas we are here to deliver your products on-time and with the same care and pride as you produced them.

NeWays Transport offers a strong network for the international transport of full truck loads (FTL) and part loads (LT). Our Customer Service department has daily international contacts with clients throughout Europe. We are able to realize fixed collections and deliveries for our customers, but also to carry out occasional transports. With our temperature controlled trailers we can guarantee loads under any condition, from -25 ºC to +25 ºC.

We handle the transport and distribution of your refrigerated and frozen foods within Europe, with the great care that they deserve.

Daily departures to:

Italy, Spain, Scandinavia, Germany, Switserland, Austria, France, Hungary, Czech and more countries